Thursday 19 November 2015



It is undeniable the fact that choral music is a contributing factor to the activeness of a christian. After many years of Halleluiah Festival being in existence, one can only crave for improvement or progression in performance rather than retrogression.  This festival is organized by IMCS Pax Romana Choir UCC – local, to sing praise to God and to gather resource to help some identified less privileged institutions in the surrounding communities. This year has not been an exception but exceptional to the greater glory of God Almighty. This year’s edition of Halleluiah Festival dubbed “an evening of folk and sacred music” was put in place by zealous leaders of the Choir, the choristers, and of course OLSW chaplaincy. The theme for the festival was taken from Psalm 150:6; “let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” How inspiring. All hail the power of Jesus name.

After months of rigorous rehearsals, the time came for us to show the university community what we were preparing for. In fact, several sleepless nights was what made our rehearsals superb. The choral concert was scheduled for Sunday 8th November, 2015 at the School of Medical Sciences Auditorium, UCC. The concert was performed in three parts comprising folk music like “Safariya Bamba”, meaning a journey to Bamba, “Wiase ewieye aben” and the like. Among the sacred music for the other parts are, “We praise you Lord”, “Beethoven’s Halleluiah” and some highlife songs, which was for the third part.

Because of the fame of the choir on campus, there was great expectation by the general university community, that’s in terms of performance. This brought greater number of choral music lovers to the program. The Auditorium was full to capacity and many even stood outside. Powerfully, we performed to the greater expectation of our audience. They were inspired, blessed and fulfilled. We never disappointed any but impressed all who were present.

The festival brought together choirs like the ST. Peter’s Regional Seminary Choir, GHAMSU Choir UCC, and GNAAS Choir UCC. They actually came to grace the occasion. It was a concert that cannot be forgotten.

The program was indeed a wow! And our profound gratitude, we cannot forget to give all those in one way or the other contributed to the immense success of Halleluiah Festival 2015.

Thanks and GOD bless you all! 


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