Monday, 11 April 2016


Below are the questions and answers for the rounds three, four, and five of the Jubilee Year of Mercy Inter-Societal Quiz Competition held on Saturday, 9th April, 2016 at the Our Lady Seat of wisdom Catholic Chaplaincy-UCC.

1.    What is the Latin word translated in the Anglo-saxon as Lent? Quadragesima
2.    What is the meaning of Quadragesima? Fourty days or Fouthieth day
3.    When is the official beginning and ending of the Lenten Season? The evening of Ash Wednesday to the beginning of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.
4.    What is the other name of Holy Thursday? Maundy Thursday
5.    The word ‘Maundy’ is a transliteration of the Latin word ‘mandatum’ or ‘mendicare’. What is the meaning of the word ‘mandatum’ transliterated into English as Maundy? To SERVE ONE ANOTHER / the NEW MANDATE. That is, to love as Jesus has loved us. It is associated with ancient hospitality customs where the host would provide water to wash the feet of his guest and in connection to a similar act of Jesus to His Apostles on Holy Thursday and instructing them to do same to one another as it’s been recorded in the Gospels).
6.    When does the Easter Triduum begins and ends? It begins with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and ends with the Vespers (evening prayers) of Easter Sunday. (PS Pg 27, 38)
7.    What is the name of the Tuesday immediately before Ash Wednesday? Shrove Tuesday (A day of penance in preparation for the Lenten Season)
8.    Which sacrament(s) was/ were instituted by Christ on Maundy Thursday? The Holy Eucharist and Priesthood
9.    What is the primary manifestation of the Chrism Mass? It manifests the communion of the Priests with their Bishop in the same priesthood and ministry of Christ. (PS Pg 35)
10.                       What biblical event marks the birth of the Catholic Church? The Crucifixion. The Church is born out of the pierced heart of Christ hanging dead on the Cross (cf. CCC 766).
11.                       In the ‘stations of the cross’, the sixth station depicts Veronica wiping the face of Jesus Christ. The name Veronica is derived from the Latin word ‘vera’ and the Greek word ‘eikon’. What is the meaning of Veronica? True icon/image/portrait.
12.                       The Good Friday Liturgy consists of three parts. What are the parts of the Good Friday Liturgy? Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.
13.                       The liturgical celebration of the Easter Triduum is also referred to as the celebration of the Paschal Mystery. What does the Church mean by the term Paschal Mystery? It is the passing of the Lord from this world to the Father. (PS Pg 38)
14.                       What biblical event is used to mark the beginning of the Holy week? The Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.
15.                       Which day(s) of the holy week is/are not part of the Lenten season? Good Friday, holy Saturday and Easter Sunday
16.                       What is the other name for Holy Wednesday? Spy Wednesday
17.                       Why is Holy Wednesday of the Holy Week also referred to as Spy Wednesday? It is in reference to Judas Iscariot’s intent to betray Jesus which was formed on the Wednesday before the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.
18.                           On Ash Wednesday, our foreheads are marked with ashes in the sign of the Cross and the minister says this; “you are dust and into dust you shall return”. Where in scriptures can we find this saying? Genesis 3:19, Ecclesiastes 3:20
19.                       What is sin as it has been defined by the CCC? Sin has been defined as “an utterance, a deed or a desire contrary to the eternal law. Sin is an offence against reason, truth and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods (CCC 1849).
20.                       What event marks the ninth station of the Via Crucis (one attempt)? Jesus falls the third time
21.                       What event marks the fourth station of the Via Dolorosa (one attempt)? Jesus meets His afflicted Mother
22.                       How long is the celebration of Easter (one attempt)? 50 days of joyful celebration
23.                       How long is the Easter fast (one attempt)? Two days – Good Friday and Holy Saturday (PS Pg 39)
24.                        According to Paschale Solemnitatis, what is the full meaning of vigil? Awaiting the coming of the Lord
25.                       What is the significance of the Priest’s prostration before the Altar on Good Friday? It signifies the abasement of the Earthly man and the grief and sorrow of the Church (on this day). (PS Pg 65)
26.                       What is the Great Sunday? It is the Easter celebration which spans from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. A period of 50 days celebrated as one feast. (PS Pg 100)
27.                       Which Easter day marks the beginning of the Church as a missionary institution? Pentecost Day (Pentecost Day is the last day of Easter)
1.    Which date marks the official beginning of the year of mercy? 8TH DECEMBER, 2015
2.    Which date will mark the official climax and closure of the year of mercy? 20th November, 2016
3.    What is the name of the papal document (Papal bull) that declares the year of mercy? MISERICORDIAE VULTUS
4.    On which Solemnity of the church was the year of mercy inaugurated (one attempt)? IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
5.    On which Solemnity of the church will the year of mercy be climaxed and closed? SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING
6.    Which symbolic act by the Pope marked the official opening of the jubilee year of mercy? OPENING OF THE DOOR OF MERCY
7.    The Holy Door was opened on the 8th of December 2015 particularly because of the day’s richness in the recent history of the Church. What is the significance of 8th December, 2015 to the Church today? It marks the 50th Anniversary of the close of the second Vatican Ecumenical council (ie. Vatican II)
8.    What is the motto of the year of mercy? MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER
9.    Which biblical quotation inspired the motto of the Year of Mercy? Lk 6:36 – be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
10.                       Describe the logo of the year of mercy? JESUS CARRYING A SICK MAN
11.                       What is the name of the Pope’s book written on the theme of mercy? THE NAME OF GOD IS MERCY
12.                       State the corporal works of mercy.

13.                       State the spiritual works of mercy.

14.                       According to Pope Francis in His Papal bull of indiction (Misericordiae Vultus), Which Psalm was sung by Jesus and His disciples in the Upper room on Holy Thursday? PSALM 136 (MV Pg 7)
15.                       What is the great Hallel? Psalm 136 (MV Pg 7)
16.                       What is the ’24 Hours for the Lord’ initiative by the Pope? It is the Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated on the Friday and the Saturday which preceded the fourth week of lent.
17.                       Which Pope convened the second Vatican Ecumenical Council? Pope St. John XXII
18.                       Which Pope Closed the Vatican II council? Pope Paul VI
1.    The Bible is in specific terms the book of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. T/F (it is the Book of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church includes the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern orthodox churches, the Coptic church of Egypt and several others which still share the original Christian faith and have the Apostolic Succession of the Apostles of Christ. The canon of Scriptures was approved by the church undivided)
2.    The Catholic Church is not the Apostolic Church. T/F (The Church is one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic as it is professed in the Nicene Creed).
3.    Without the Bible, the Church cannot claim to have any authority from and in Christ. T/F (The church derives her authority directly from Christ, not the Bible. Note that, the Church existed hundreds of years without the Bible. The authority of the Bible is dependent on the authority of the Church)
4.    Holy Scriptures existed before the Church. T/F (The Old Testament existed before the Church but not the Bible as we have it in its present form. Note that, every single book of the Bible is referred to as Scriptures but not Bible. Therefore, Scriptures (the books of the old testament) existed before the Church was established by Christ)
5.    The authority of the Church rests on the Word of God. T/F (The Word of God is transmitted to us through Sacred Scriptures, the Magisterium and the Sacred Traditions of the Church. Thus, the Bible is not the entire Word of God but part of the Word of God which has been revealed to us. Again, the Word of God is Jesus Christ Himself who established the Church and gives authority to His disciples to go and teach).
6.    Traditionally, Good Friday or Great Friday is a day of fasting in the Catholic Church. Good Friday is not part of the days within Lent. T/F (Good Friday is part of the holy Week but not part of Lent)
7.    Clerical celibacy is a doctrine of the Church. T/F (it is a discipline)
8.    By our faith, the bread and wine on the altar is transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. T/F (Transubstantiation is not dependent on our faith though it is required that we believe in both the physical and spiritual transformation of the species into the real Jesus, the change is actually not caused by our faith. whether we believe it or not, at the words of consecration, Transubstantiation occurs.
9.    The Catholic Church is known in history to have chained Bibles. T/F (In a time that Bibles were handwritten and expensive to purchase, the only way the Church could have kept Bibles from been stolen and to be made available to people who could read was to chain a copy inside the Church so that the faithful could have access to it while at the same time protecting it from thieves.
10.                       The Catholic Church is known in history to have burnt Bibles. T/F (In a period when there were so much heresy that people emerged to translate the Bible to suit their evil deeds and strange doctrines, the church in her duty as the owner and sole authority of the true and authentic word of God, protected the unadulterated word of God by confiscating and burning the fake Bibles which had been produced and sold out to the ignorant populace).
11.                       It is a popular Catholic belief that God is one and God is a community. T/F
12.                       The Catholic faith is not dependent on Private revelations but on public revelations. T/F (Public revelation is the revelation given to us by the Apostles of Christ. Private revelations are the revelations given to us by any other member of the Church apart from the Apostles.)
13.                       The Catholic Church is vehemently against Family Planning. T/F (The Church approves of the use of NFP which is a family planning method)
14.                       The Catholic Church is vehemently opposed to Science. T/F (The Church loves science and has sponsored most scientific researches. The Church is the brain behind the big bang theory etc. However, the Church is opposed to Scientism; a belief in a scientific concept that anything that cannot be empirically tested does not exist)
15.                       In the eyes of the Church, Original sin is a necessary sin. T/F (Easter Proclamation or the Exsultet of the vigil of Easter Sunday; O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the death of Christ. O Happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a redeemer)
16.                       The Catholic Church is the only institution today that still has it its possession the original copies of the Scriptures written by the Apostles of Christ. T/F (The original copies of the Scriptures written by the Apostles are no longer in existence.)


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